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4:00 PM (24 minutes ago)
brief note 3. -on the general functions of this matter addressed let humanity 'in this life also note this:
connected to the following. http://ouranus.blogspot.ca/2010/06/blog-post_5699.html which is: God created an alternate universe for evil spirits in this existence. actually a better one then the one mortals dwell in, in this life. despite the reality of matthew 25: 41 or revelation 20: 7-10. evil spirits we're not content to stay in such a universe however..So, in chaos, evil spirits destroyed that universe. hence, Through the functions addressed in revelation 16: 13-14 evil spirits now wish to destroy humanity's universe. in this existence. through inventions of corruption. Which willingly defy the HOLY GHOST on all counts. see romans 1: 30 note the first epistle of john 2: verse 15 to 17 likewise in that which pertains unto that statement addressed also. Humans willingly let evil spirits do so, too. in this life. regarding evil inventions. At least to the present, that statement is true. according to facts which rel;ate to this present existence. to this point. obviously that statement is true. according to all facts which relate to such a statement, to this point in this life. obviously such a statement is true. if facts matter. look at the facts. idiots. freaks on earth today. So? enough of humans today destroying earth and defying the laws of GOD on all counts , daring to claim that they are righteous. humans are far from righteousness in today's time frame. un - like other generations of men in this existence. in other time frames in this life a few righteous beings dwelt here and there, in honor of hebrews 11; 37-38, for example, yet, for any human being on earth today to claim righteousness is absurd. look at the facts. no human on earth today is righteous. except if a human follows my righteous instructions. clearly that statement is true. in connection to hebrwews 11 or c3q67 of the prophesies of nostradamus to humanity in this life. clearly. look at the hypocrisy of mankind today! what the hell? look at the facts. reflective of luke 6: 26, isiah 66: 5 or isaiah 65: 5. matthew 7: 16-20 is relevent here. so too is luke 6: 45. why do certain humans say jesus is their lord if they do absolutely nothing that jesus instructs them to do, now, huh? phoney humans on earth today. and even beings of other religions are phoney. i did my research . i've seen numerous beings on earth today who claim to be buddhists or moslems or hindu's or whatever, hypocritically defy the teachings located in their own self addressed religions. obviously that is hypocrisy. as job 8: 13 warns. perhaps a religion addressed as bullshit is spiritually, in all reality the religion humanity for the most part follows in todays human societies. look at the facts: callous idiotic humans on earth today. yet that is not even mentioning the fact that it is totally obvious according to every fact in this life that chrisianity, in an orthodox fashion' devoid of inventions of corruption specifically in fact'' is sound as well as based in holiness for humanity in this life. therefore, for any being on earth today to defy ORTHODOX ORTHODOX christianity as the main religion of the true creator in favour of another religion on earth today OR ANOTHER FORM OF CHRISTIANITY TODAY is also hypocritical on the part of any human being on earth today likewise. IF IT IS NOT ORTHODOX CHRISTIANITY APPOINTED IN AN APPROPRIATE CHRISTIAN LIGHT. DEVOID OF INVENTIONS OF DECEIT. CONNECTION? DEUTERONOMY 7: 26 OR MATTHEW 5: 17-20. IN FATIDICAL ALIGNMENT UNTO C5Q76 OR C5Q74. REGARDING THE WORDS OF THIS WEBSITE. obviously it is hypocritical. ALSO, IF FACTS MATTER IN THIS EXISTENCE INTO THE ORIGINAL VOID. GENESIS 1. ORISON ORBITthEN obviously no human being has the right to claim atheism NEITHER IN THIS LIFE when every fact in this existence irrefutably asserts that christianity's teachings are based in perfection for mankind to follow in this life. obviously such a statement is true. REGARDLESS OF WHAT AN IDIOT WHO OPPOSES RATIONAL FACTS STATES. ON ANY COUNT OF LOGIC OR UNDERSTANDING OR EVEN WISDOM IN FACT ON ALL COUNTS. IRREFUTABLY IN FACT. IN ANY EXISTENCE IN FACT. NOT JUST THIS ONE. THIS IS TRUE. YES. TRUTH. SIMPLE TRUTH. C5Q76 OR C5Q74. INTO THE ORIGINAL VOID. GENESIS 1. ORISON ORBITLOOK AT THE FACTS OF THIS EXISTENCE IN UNISON. look at the facts of this existence in full.. So, by way of the willing hypocritical rebellion of humans to God- , in this existence- so- through black as well as white holes in space spiritual wickedness have now brought evil inventions to humanity in this life. INTO THE ORIGINAL VOID. GENESIS 1. ORISON ORBITwhich is a concept which is explained upon this website. hence, c4q97 of the quatrains of nostramus is now pending for humanity in this life. Due unto the fact that humans 'in this time frame of this existence, through works, mock God's commandments on every count. connect james 2: 10-11 with revelation 22: 14-15. CALCULATE OBVIOUS TRUTH, VERIDICALLY. BY WAY OF SIMPLE FACTS. BLACK SABBATH. LEVITICUS 26: 34. RIGHTEOUS IN JUDGMENTS IS THE CHRISTIAN GOD. THE SABBATH DAY IS EASY TO KEEP. AS ARE THE OTHER NINE COMMANDMENTS OF GOD ADDRESSED IN EXODUS 20: 3-17. TO NOT MONITOR THE SABBATH AND INSTEAD 'PARTY' LIKE LUNATICS ON THE SABBATH, WARRANTS AN APPROPRIATE JUDGMENT. UPON ANY BEING WHO OPTS TO PARTY DEMENTEDLY IN WORKS OVER GOD'S SIMPLE SEVENTH COMMANDMENT. CONNECTION? C7Q77. INTO THE ORIGINAL VOID. GENESIS 1. ORISON ORBITIN CONNECTION TO C5Q41. ON THE 7TH MILLENIAL DAWN OF GOD'S MILLENIAL 7TH DAY. REGARDING THIS EXISTENCE. WHICH IS A TOPIC APPROPRIATELY ADDRESSED FOR ALL TO PERCEIVE ACCURATELY ELSEWHERE UPON THIS WEBSITE. SO? C7Q86.
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